7月7日は七夕です。七夕は織姫と彦星の伝説にちなみ、英語では「the Star Festival」と言われています。
天の川:the Milky Way ( the Galaxy )
織姫のベガ星:Vega(a star in the Constellation Lyra)こと座の星
彦星のアルタイル星:Altair(a star in the Constellation Aquila)わし座の星
短冊:strip of paper
The Tanabata or Star Festival is celebrated on July 7th.
It is celebrated in August in some regions according to the Japanese old calendar.
Tanabata or the Star Festival came from a Chinese legend.
Orihime(Vega) and Hikoboshi(Altair) are permitted to meet.
■この日に雨が降ると天の川が洪水になり、二人は会うことができないと言われています。If it rains, the Milky Way will be flooded and they can’t meet.
七夕の伝説と歴史(The history of Tanabata or Star Festival)
Tanabata originated from a Chinese festival called Kikko.
It was conveyed to Japan as the event in Imperial Court in 755.
七夕の伝説、織姫と彦星のお話(The legendary story of Tanabata)
Orihime(Vega) and Hikoboshi(Altair) fell in love and got married.
Hikoboshi(Altair)stopped working after his marriage.
The angry Emperor pulled them apart on both sides of the Milky Way.
The emperor felt sorry for them and allowed them to cross the Milk Way to meet each other once a year on July 7th.
It is said that Tanabata is a special day for lovers because it is the day lovers meet again once a year.
We pray for Orihime and Hikobosi to come together and decorate bamboo branches.
We write our wishes on strips of paper (Tanzaku) and hung them bamboo branches.
It is said that our wishes come true.
Tanzaku are strips of paper of rectangular colored paper.
There are many Tanabata-related festivals and events all over Japan in the month of Tanabata.
仙台七夕まつり概要 | |
名称 | 仙台七夕まつり |
開催日 | 毎年8月6日~8月8日 ※注1 |
開催場所 | 仙台市中心部、周辺の地域商店街 |
内容 | 仙台駅~中央通り、商店街などで七夕の笹飾り |
問い合わせ先名称 | 仙台七夕まつり協賛会(仙台商工会議所内事務局) |
問い合わせ先電話 | 022-265-8185 |
※注1 コロナで行事が中止になったり内容が変更される場合があります。